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Web Super Size Me A Documentary That Changed The Fast Food Industry

WEB Super Size Me: A Documentary that Changed the Fast-Food Industry


In 2004, the American documentary film "Super Size Me" hit theaters and caused a stir within the fast-food industry. Directed by and starring filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, the film chronicled Spurlock's 30-day experiment of eating only McDonald's food and supersizing his meals whenever it was offered. The film's release generated widespread attention, sparking discussions about the effects of fast food consumption on health and the responsibility of corporations in promoting healthy eating habits.

The Impact on McDonald's Stock Price

One of the notable impacts of "Super Size Me" was its effect on the stock price of McDonald's. Following the film's release, McDonald's stock price took a sharp dive, reaching an all-time low in 2004. The film's portrayal of the negative health consequences associated with excessive fast food consumption led to a loss of consumer confidence in the company. In the years since, McDonald's has taken steps to improve its image and menu offerings, but the impact of "Super Size Me" on its bottom line is still felt today.

The Power of Storytelling

"Super Size Me" is a testament to the power of storytelling in influencing public opinion and driving change. Despite its simple premise, the film's raw and unflinching portrayal of the realities of fast food consumption struck a nerve with audiences. By sharing Spurlock's personal experience, the film humanized the issue of fast food consumption and made the negative consequences relatable and impossible to ignore.


"Super Size Me" continues to be an iconic example of how even imperfect storytelling can have a profound impact on our collective consciousness. The film played a significant role in raising awareness about the dangers of excessive fast food consumption and ultimately pushed the industry to confront the negative repercussions of its practices. It remains a reminder that storytelling has the ability to not only entertain but also to inform, challenge, and shape societal norms.
